
Frequently Asked Questions

What is QuitWorksNH?
QuitWorks-NH is a free clinical referral portal. Healthcare providers may refer all adult patients wanting to quit tobacco.  All referrals will be able to talk to a Quit Coach and receive self help materials.
Can anyone enroll in QuitWorks-NH?
QuitWorks-NH is open to all New Hampshire residents, regardless of health insurance status.
Is there any cost to the patient or the practice for QuitWorks-NH services?
There is no cost to the patient, the referring provider or office practice or the hospital/health center for basic QuitWorks-NH services and materials.
Is the patient referral procedure time consuming?
No, all you have to do is either complete an online Provider Web Referral or  e-Referral through your EMR if your healthcare system is connected to QuitWorks-NH. Contact Teresa Brown at (603) 271-8949 with questions or to find out if your healthcare system is connected.
How will I know how the patient is doing in his/her efforts to quit tobacco use once enrolled in QuitWorks-NH?
QuitWorks-NH will send status reports to the referring clinician, primary care provider, or clinical specialist indicated on the referral form.Providers receive two faxes – one within several days of receiving an referral form to confirm patient contact and report cessation services selected by the patient, and another at six months to report the patient’s quit attempts and quit status.
If a patient returns to the provider's practice at a later date and reveals that he/she has started smoking again but wants to stop, can that patient be re-enrolled in the QuitWorks-NH program?
Yes, it often takes many attempts to quit smoking. Patients may enroll as many times as they need in order to achieve success.
Can adolescents benefit from referral in the program or is it specifically designed for adults?
QuitWorks-NH and the NH Tobacco Helpline’s services are for adults over the age of 18. Pediatricians may refer their adult parents of patients as well. Youth and young adults may go online to MyLifeMyQuit.com or visit teen.smokefree.gov.
What kind of assistance will QuitWorks-NH provide in developing a plan and setting up a system for my hospital or health center?
QuitWorks-NH can assist NH hospitals and health centers to implement QuitWorks-NH. The plan can include on-site training for your staff and all the materials you will need to implement the program successfully. If you would like additional information please e-mail us at tpcp@dhhs.nh.gov.

Refer Your Patients to a Quit Coach

Submit a Provider Web Referral or E-Referral through the EMR.
Choose the most convenient method for YOUR practice!