
QuitWorks-NH at a Glance

QuitWorks-NH links your patients who want to quit tobacco use to the full range of the state’s tobacco treatment services. All it takes to use QuitWorks-NH are a clinician, a patient who uses tobacco, and the QuitWorks-NH tools.

Green ArrowHow It Works

Using a referral form, any physician, nurse, or other clinician in your hospital or health center can easily and quickly enroll any patient who uses tobacco, regardless of health insurance status. There are two methods for referring a patient to a Quit Coach (e-referral or web referral). Both methods are HIPPA compliant.

Within 24 hours after the QuitWorks-NH referral form is received, a specially trained tobacco Quit Coach sends you a notification that your referral has been received and calls your patient. A 7-minute Intake Assessment is required before your patient is offered a screening for nicotine replacement patches (available while supplies last) and up to six coaching sessions. These services are provided at no cost to your patient. Every referring provider will receive a patient status report within three weeks to relative to the services accepted. About seven months later, QuitWorks-NH calls your patient to assess their smoking status and reports to you on patient outcomes.

Helping You Connect Your Patients to Support 5 Easy Steps

Green ArrowWhy Use Quitworks-NH

QuitWorks-NH contains the Provider Web Referral, which is a secure process for electronically referring patients who are interested in quitting. Provider Web Referral is cost-free to health agencies and is ideal as a closed loop referral to evidence-based nicotine addiction treatment. Watch this short instructional video about Provider Web Referral. Large health systems with many satellite offices will find e-Referral a great choice in close loop referrals to nicotine addiction treatment. National Jewish Hospital Health Initiatives Department operates QuitWorks-NH with HIPPA-compliant direct messaging using HL7v3 technology.

These two electronic referral systems reach out with a text message alert that the Quit-Coach system will be calling within 24 hours. The system will reach out up to 4 times before generating a letter to the patient. The Quit-Coach system will confirm patient identification and direct-transfer the patient to a Quit-Coach for intake. The Intake Survey requires about 10 minutes, followed by a longer enrollment coaching call. The standard program includes 5 coaching calls and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) patches and gum (or lozenges) home delivered. The Quit Coaching system reports back to the provider on nicotine replacement therapies and coaching provided.

Contact Teresa Brown for more information about e-Referral options at (603) 271-8949 or Teresa.Brown@dhhs.nh.gov.

Green ArrowWho Uses QuitWorks-NH

Hundreds of NH physicians and allied health professionals refer patients to QuitWorks-NH. This translates to thousands of patients having the opportunity to work with trained tobacco treatment specialists to overcome nicotine addiction annually.

Refer Your Patients to a Quit Coach

Submit a Provider Web Referral or E-Referral through the EMR.
Choose the most convenient method for YOUR practice!