
QuitWorks-NH Features

QuitWorks-NH can fit into routine patient care – whether the setting is an office practice, a hospital, a health center, a public health program or a worksite.

Green ArrowQuitWorks-NH provides everything you need to put the program in place:

  • Services to quit tobacco: Telephone counseling, a website (QuitNowNH.org), self-help information, and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) patches while supplies last.
  • Self-help materials are available to be mailed to the patient. Office practices may request patient brochures in large quantities that explain how the program serves the patient.
  • A QuitWorks-NH patient brochure is available for all patients who use tobacco.
  • Faxed or electronic reports sent to the referring provider at three weeks and seven months stating: patient reached/not reached; services patient participated in; and six-month quit status after treatment.
  • Training is provided at no cost for physicians and/or allied health care professionals about QuitWorks-NH, brief motivational interviewing techniques and the latest pharmacotherapy dosing guidelines.
  • Comprehensive reports are available from the extensive database at a small cost to the health plan/employer/health system.

Green ArrowBrief Intervention:  5As vs 2As and R

The U.S. Public Health Service Clinical Practice Guideline, Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence 2008 Update (US PHSG) calls for systems-level tobacco intervention efforts using the 5As (Ask, Advise Assess, Assist, Arrange). Ask, Assist and Refer is accepted by the US PHSG as evidence based brief intervention for tobacco treatment.
Tobacco Treatment ICD-10 F-17 (http://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes/F01-F99/F10-F19/F17-/F17.200) to ICD-10 is the mechanism for paying providers to treat every patient identified as using tobacco at every visit.

Trainings for QuitWorks-NH are scheduled once the Practice Self-Assessment Form (link to PDF) has been submitted. Systems change is a team effort towards quality improvement of current tobacco treatment processes.  Complete the Practice Self-Assessment Form and submit to Teresa Brown (Teresa.Brown@dhhs.nh.gov)


Refer Your Patients to a Quit Coach

Submit a Provider Web Referral or E-Referral through the EMR.
Choose the most convenient method for YOUR practice!